
After praying for some months about teaching a Bible class somewhere, I prayed on it through last night. I asked the Lord to show me what to do just as I was drifting off to sleep and prayed about it each time I awoke during the night (I’m old; this is often). I released any selfish or prideful claim as a teacher, prayed for the learners, and prayed that it be only to God’s glory.

I awoke in the early morning hours with the whole thing clear in my mind. I started

Today my long-awaited copy of Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy arrived. Michael Polanyi was, among other things, a physical chemist, the field in which I got my chemistry degree. The book describes his brilliant thinking on the subject I am most studying these days: the crucial place of myth and imagination in comprehending important concepts.

How can I have been a Christian for fifty-one years and never have noticed that the last sentence in Philippians 4:5 is the key to all of Philippians 4:6-7?

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Today I dropped off some donations at the Thrift Store below Jemez Springs and found that the proprietor, Carol, is a Christian, is ordained, and is holding a Bible study weekly on Tuesdays in the facility with the goal of starting a local church. The serendipity was that we had both attended the Open Plymouth Brethren assembly in Wheaton, IL, and had several other places where our paths might have crossed. Small world, God’s world is.

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