Writing can at times be hard work, but even at its most difficult, writing is still more fun than most anything else. I think I enjoy it more than chocolate.
Today I am working on a scene involving a non-contact lacrosse game between two local teams composed of an Indonesian high school boy, an 800 year old Spanish vampire, a beagle shapeshifter, a local high school girl, the female proprietor of the local bed and breakfast, and a half-werewolf girl who also attends the local high school, on one team. Their opponents are another girl, this one distinctly ADHD, from the local high school, a middle-aged man without a name who is part of the Federal Witness Protection program (tee shirt: You Don’t Know Me), a dwarf with incredible but permissible strength, the female proprietor of the local eatery (Bite Me), a 3,000 year old Norse werewolf, and Kokopelli (himself). The Referee is a 79 year old widow who used to be the high school gym teacher and who wears, everywhere, a set of white flannel pajamas with a print of small blue bunnies. The extra rules in this non-contact form of lacrosse include not using any supernormal powers, no intimidation of the other team by showing fangs, the werewolf must keep her ears put away, Kokopelli cannot even hum his hypnotic music, no stepping on the single gravestone in the exact middle of the field (which makes the face-offs particularly difficult), and the ball is a little larger and much softer than the typical lacrosse ball.
Definitely better than chocolate.