Books I have found useful in studying Habakkuk (These are available on my bookshelves if you would like to borrow some):
- Commentary on the Old Testament, Volume 10 The Minor Prophets by C.F. Keil with F. Delitzsch (Eerdman’s)
- Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times by Donald B. Redford (Princeton)
- Explore the Book by J. Sidlow Baxter (Zondervan)
- The Expositor’s Bible Commentary with the NIV, Volume 7 Daniel and the Minor Prophets, Habakkuk by Carl E. Amerding, Frank C. Gaebelein, Editor (Zondervan)
- An Introduction to the Old Testament by Raymond B. Dillard and Tremper Longman IIIi
- Minor Prophets of Israel: A Self-Study Guide by Irving L. Jensen (Moody Press)
- A Survey of Israel’s History by Leon J. Wood (Zondervan)
- A Survey of Old Testament Introduction by Gleason Archer, Jr. (Moody)
- A Survey of the Old Testament by W.W. Sloan (Abingdon)
- Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson (Nelson)
Helpful study notes on the text of Habakkuk:
The MacArthur Study Bible, ESV (Crossway)
The ESV Study Bible (Crossway)
The NASB Study Bible (Zondervan)
The most helpful paraphrase in modern language:
The Message: the Bible in Contemporary Language by Eugene H. Peterson (NavPress)